Evan Jarvis Moriarty now weighs 7.11kg (15.7lbs) and is 66cm long (36 inches). He remains perfect in every way, especially when asleep.
Monthly Archives: September 2005
Caption competition
The above photo demands your witty, pithy, appropriate captions! A vast and valuable prize awaits the best!*
It has come to my attention that only Dermot (a dog, of dogblog fame), Suzy (who works from home) and Matt (from a rival, inferior website) ever post comments. Despite this many people tell me they are “avid” fans. Therefore make this the time you lose your comment virginity! Come out of the interdark! It’s really very easy – just click on “post a comment” and enter your caption. You don’t have to have a blogger identity. Go on, give it a go. Minimitton wants to know you are there!
*prize may infact turn out to be fictional
What we would have been doing right now
Evan in bodice ripping movie shock!
Sorry the pictures aren’t the usual quality expected by minimitton fans (they’re from my phone) but thought you’d like to share his latest adventure. Unlike his Mum and the Webmitton it turns out Evan is a fan of costume drama. He persuaded me to take him to see Pride and Prejudice. He loved it – although he hasn’t mastered tippy seats.